Friday, September 16, 2011

olive what he's having.

A man calls and vaguely implies that he’d like to fantasize about having his ass licked.  Implies in the manner that makes me assume ‘while we are doing other things like fucking and blowjobs and things, I’d like my ass licked.” Like if you were in an italian restaurant ordering and you said ‘well, last time I had a lot of olives and it was really good.’  You would assume he just wants extra olives.  But no.  This guy just wanted olives.  Nothing else.  When I first moved the conversation to sex or head he mentioned he just really wanted the ass licking.  oh.  So you just want olives?
1) why didn’t you say that? 2) who wants just olives?   but ok, so you just want olives....surely you wouldn’t want to just sit all night eating olives.  Who sits around for 45 minutes eating just olives?  This dude.  He wanted 45 minutes straight of just talking about me licking his ass.  Have you ever tried to describe a simple action for 45 minutes and kept it from sounding like you were a skipping record?  It became difficult to keep the desperation out of my voice around 20 minutes in as I was thinking up alternative words to lick, tongue, slide, asshole, and rim.  So you would think that if a guy is THIS crazy about olives, that he would really love the fuck out of them, right?  Like ‘oh shit! YES! god i love these olives! more! mmm sweet jesus.”  but no.  This guy sat quietly the whole time and on rare occasions would say in a perfectly monotone voice ‘yes may. That’s quite nice’  as though he were telling someone ‘why yes, my socks are new. Thank you.’
So for 45 minutes I struggle, pantingly talking about the unbridled enthusiasm I’m licking this guys ass hole and NOTHING else while he sounds like he is arranging his paperclip collection.  Weird.  


  1. My fantasy is so involved I'd need to compose an opus.

    Using your "olive" analogy, I'd want to order the whole menu and sides. LOL

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