Monday, September 19, 2011

Paying to mock people

One of the things that fascinates me the most about working in phone sex is the variety of people who call just to talk.  The world is full of the guys who want to just talk about sex, and then verbally fuck.  Some are more economical than others and are already almost there and just need about 45 seconds of hearing a woman's voice to finish the job.  Others start off cold and are almost as though they just made a sandwich, are sitting down for a nice afternoon and anticipated that in a while they may be horny.  Those are more difficult because it's hard to feel them out.  I don't wanna start asking them about work or if they've seen the series Battlestar Galactica if they had hoped to eventually start having phone sex and now somethings gone horribly wrong.  But you also don't want to start going in depth about how hard your nipples are and detailing the panties you're wearing to a guy who is bored and just wants to talk about the history of Jazz and has it reached it's peak already, and if so, is it dead yet or still dying.  Those kind of guys always seem freaked out when you mention how listening to jazz makes you so horny and start moaning.  So you have to feel them out.

The bottom line is - they are all paying for the discussion.  Usually I'm thrilled to have someone who just wants to talk in general.  A surprising number want to talk about their wives.  And in a weirder sweeter way than you might be imagining.  They talk about the perfume she wears, the first Christmas they had together and the horrible sweater she tried to make for him, how much she works and how stressed out her idiot co workers make her.  It's fascinating and often times I'm left wondering if the woman I'm hearing about for 12 minutes exists outside of that phone call.

But the most unique use of paid minutes would have to go to the guy who called just to mock men who call phone sex lines.  He started off acting like he wanted to talk about sex and once I went down that line and started talking about the wet undies he said 'oh jeez, come ON!  Do guys really call and talk about sex with you?'  I tried to not take it personally on my performance.  I told him, yes, yes they did.  He challenged me to get him off, actually dared me to.  I pointed out that there was no way I could make him cum if he didn't want to and that's not really the point.  The point is people who want to get off and talk to a person while doing it use this service.  He asked me how many guys I talk to a day and flipped out when I answered at least 5 and usually 13-20.  He asked how many guys I'd gotten off before he had called and I told him around 4 and he sounded as though he was putting his hands over his ears or eyes and he said "BLEEECcccch! That's just crazy!  Why can't these guys jack off on their own?  Why do they have to pay to have someone pretend to slap their ass and moan?  What's wrong with these guys?  I guess they just aren't getting what they need at on the home front, eh?"  I told him I didn't think there was anything wrong with them, but that it enhances the enjoyment of the moment knowing someone else is really into what you're into, and really if your you're into squeezing lemon juice into your eyes and crying while a woman dressds as a girl you knew in 10th grade who worked at McDonalds blows you and then takes a dump on your chest - it can be really hard to find someone else who's into it with you.   The guy didn't know and seemed to be shaking his head.  He asked if I'm 400 lbs and actually doing the dishes the whole time I'm moaning and pretending to be into all these 'fucked up illusions' and I told him no.  That's what helps make me a better phone sex operator, I think.  I genuinely enjoy getting people aroused or off.  If you think what we are doing is sexy, even if it's just us describing crochet patterns, then odds are I'm turned on to some degree.   The caller couldn't believe it and repeatedly asked why these 'wacko loser guys' had to 'pay to call some fat broad to moan and yell' and again challenged me to get him make him hard.  I couldn't tell if this is what this guy was into- was I just misreading this guys fantasy and it's elaborately created world of him calling to mock other guys who use phone sex to get off? The guys 15 minute call ended abruptly as his prepaid time ran out.  I hoped he would call back, but sadly he didn't.  I guess he just doesn't get the opportunity to mock others back at home and had to pay for it.

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